Peridot Rose

My name is Sara. I'm a wife, mother, and photographer and feel fortunate in all areas of my life. See our professional site and blog here: Dotson Studios

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Location: Georgia, United States

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Peaceful Heart

Most of you know about my possible change in positions at work. The position opened 8 weeks ago when the designer I sat next to announced he was leaving. The art director and other designers all came to me and encouraged me to apply. It was another 4 weeks before the job was posted and I was able to apply. During those 4 weeks I struggled with not having any peace about the change. Once I started working on my portfolio I developed an appetite for the position and started to really believe that I was going to get it, and soon. Well early last week, after I interviewed, they announced the position had changed and I no longer had the requirements. I spoke to the art director and she told me she was trying to get permission to hire this other position and a designer, and she should know by the end of the week. Well I know my company and the politics, and I will be surprised it that really happens. So considering I already had went through an emotional journey, I really struggled hearing this. After a few days of being angry and disappointed I decided I needed to let it go, and for the first time in 7 weeks, I had peace again in my heart. I still haven't heard whether she is allowed to hire a designer in addition to the other position, and Monday her bosses, bosses boss announced his retirement so now management is going to have some changes. I'm sure it will be another month before any decisions are made about the position now. And if they offer me the job, I'm going to think hard and long about it, because I am not convinced it would be the best thing for me. All I know is for now, I'm happy and peaceful, and the Lord has always directed me to things with peace of mind and heart, and I need to listen to that. Please pray for me in that if I have to make that decision, I will know what the right one is. And praise the Lord with me, that He has given me real peace about my current job, and peace even though the future is uncertain.


Blogger Lauren said...

Glad to hear you are resting in Him.

August 2, 2006 at 9:17 PM  
Blogger crt said...

He always knows best

August 2, 2006 at 10:09 PM  

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