Boxes, Boxes, and more Boxes!
About a month ago Camera Man's parents brought a trunk full of stuff from when he was in high school. These boxes have been in our garage for the last month. I think we thought it we ignored them - they would go away. Well last week we decided we needed to go through it all. It was 90% done when we went to visit Tech mom and Dad this weekend. Since they may be moving we packed our car to the rim with stuff from when I was a kid. Before we could go through those boxes we needed to finish the last 10% of Camera Man's stuff plus clear an area in the attic. Well, the attic was full of boxes of stuff I had set aside for a garage sale. I've decided that's not going to happen. So tonight I sorted through those boxes to decide what should be sold on ebay, what should be taken to GoodWill, and what should be given away to others. Camera Man finished going through his stuff tonight as well. So now tomorrow, we can finish unpacking the car and have 2 weeks to go through all of that stuff and get it cleaned up before we go to Kingsport next weekend with a UHaul to get the rest of Camera Man's stuff out of his parents house.
This sounds crazy I know... It is!
This sounds crazy I know... It is!
you think you have accumulated stuff now--just wait until 10 or 16 years come and then we'll talk!!
:) Especially with my little pack rat...
the dueling continues--who is the bigger packrat??!!
My parents were cleaning out their basement awhile back and brought me a bunch of stuff to go thru. Bee immediately claimed the old dolls and took off with them, as if she needed more dolls to join her ten or so already residing in her room. After 13 years, we have shamefully collected way too much stuff. It's all in rubbermaid totes stacked 4 high the length of our garage. Pretty pathetic. I actually threw out about 15 trashbags of stuff when we moved last spring.
It's incredible how much stuff we accumulate over time.
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