A Post
Well, before my blog gets highjacked I thought I would write.
We've had a busy but great Christmas and New years. I went to California to travel for work a few days before the first group of family came in and G was a huge help in helping me get the house ready. G's family came in on the Friday before Christmas with a big announcement. His sister is expecting in August. We had a few days of eating, playing games, watching movies, and enjoying being together before Christmas and then had a nice Christmas eve dinner before Santa came. We were also worn out from playing with "A" who is in a stage of requesting his playmates, place, and of course "now". Lots of fun though! Christmas day was fun - it was the first one we've spent at our house since we usually are traveling to others so that was nice. Then before we knew it the house was empty and the cat was grateful to be let out of our room.
I worked a couple half days while we got the house back to clean and ready for more family. Mom & Dad, and Wandering Heart's family came over on Saturday with another big annoucement - that she too was expecting in August. August will be busy!!
We enjoyed being together, eating, playing games, watching movies and a little shopping. Plus we got to play with Bear who was a joy to have over. New years eve we had a nice meal and stayed up late playing Apples to Apples - a great game! And then welcomed in the new year with a toast and a kiss.
Before we knew it again our house was empty and I was on my way back to work.
We picked up the "Furminator" last night and got rid of most of Caslon's loose hair. She liked it - the way she likes getting brushed. The only problem is we couldn't use it around her neck becuase she has some scabs. Once those heal though we'll clean that area too. We were amazed afterwards that we could pet her without getting a handfull of loose hair in our hands. I think it really made a difference.
We also picked up some things for our booth at our next Wedding show on Saturday. I think we learned from the last show what we needed to do to step it up some and I think we feel that we will have a better presentation this time around. We have to get ready for that tonight and set up tomorrow night with the show saturday.
Then I'll have a couple days of down time before I fly out to Dallas for work for the rest of next week. We have a very busy January, and the rest of the winter is starting to fill up too.
Anyway, I know this is nothing exciting, but at least there's an update.
We've had a busy but great Christmas and New years. I went to California to travel for work a few days before the first group of family came in and G was a huge help in helping me get the house ready. G's family came in on the Friday before Christmas with a big announcement. His sister is expecting in August. We had a few days of eating, playing games, watching movies, and enjoying being together before Christmas and then had a nice Christmas eve dinner before Santa came. We were also worn out from playing with "A" who is in a stage of requesting his playmates, place, and of course "now". Lots of fun though! Christmas day was fun - it was the first one we've spent at our house since we usually are traveling to others so that was nice. Then before we knew it the house was empty and the cat was grateful to be let out of our room.
I worked a couple half days while we got the house back to clean and ready for more family. Mom & Dad, and Wandering Heart's family came over on Saturday with another big annoucement - that she too was expecting in August. August will be busy!!
We enjoyed being together, eating, playing games, watching movies and a little shopping. Plus we got to play with Bear who was a joy to have over. New years eve we had a nice meal and stayed up late playing Apples to Apples - a great game! And then welcomed in the new year with a toast and a kiss.
Before we knew it again our house was empty and I was on my way back to work.
We picked up the "Furminator" last night and got rid of most of Caslon's loose hair. She liked it - the way she likes getting brushed. The only problem is we couldn't use it around her neck becuase she has some scabs. Once those heal though we'll clean that area too. We were amazed afterwards that we could pet her without getting a handfull of loose hair in our hands. I think it really made a difference.
We also picked up some things for our booth at our next Wedding show on Saturday. I think we learned from the last show what we needed to do to step it up some and I think we feel that we will have a better presentation this time around. We have to get ready for that tonight and set up tomorrow night with the show saturday.
Then I'll have a couple days of down time before I fly out to Dallas for work for the rest of next week. We have a very busy January, and the rest of the winter is starting to fill up too.
Anyway, I know this is nothing exciting, but at least there's an update.
Yay! Glad to see you back. We really enjoyed our time with you guys; let us know if you have a free weekend and we'll come take Hannah to the Children's museum or aquarium.
Thanks again for everything!
sounds like you had a great time. wish we could have made it. hope the show goes well.
Hope you had a good day!!!
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