Peridot Rose

My name is Sara. I'm a wife, mother, and photographer and feel fortunate in all areas of my life. See our professional site and blog here: Dotson Studios

My Photo
Location: Georgia, United States

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tax Day

We finally got our taxes back from our accountant today. We've had to use one since we started our own business. After we quickly glanced at them, signed them, we hopped in the car to find a post office open late. We finally did, and boy was it open. There was police directing traffic, postal trucks parked in the middle of the road so you could just hand them your mail, and my favorite - a FEDEX truck in the parking lot at the post office. There were also people picketting there - I guess against taxes. Anyway, afterwards we went out to eat to celebrate the fact that we didn't owe anything and are actually getting a little back.