The past 2 days
So some of you may have heard that I've had a bit of a scare the last 2 days. Yesterday I felt fine while getting ready and actally remember thinking to myself that I was so greatful this pregnancy has gone smoothly because I know how quickly things can change. Well on my drive to work I started noticing some pressure/tightness and pain that I had not felt before and was concerned about. It was low and did not feel like "belly growing pains" that I've felt from time to time. When I got to work I talked to the girl who sits next to me and is also pregnant about what I was feeling - she thought I might be having Braxton Hicks. Anyway the day went on and it didn't get worse so I didn't think too much of if. That is until about 4 or so it started getting worse and I decided to call the doc.
I talked to the nurse - actually 2 nurses and they felt like it was round ligament pain aka "belly growing pain" and as long as nothing else was out of place or I was having contractions that it was normal. She encouraged me to try to get the baby to move around a little. She's been banging me in one specific spot (very low) for the last day or so and may be making that area sore. She also encouraged me to stay off my feet as that tends to help round ligament pain.
So I left 30 minutes early somewhat upset because talking to her did not make me feel better and I couldn't concentrate any longer on work.
I had a very lazy night on the couch and when I woke up this morning it seemed quite a bit better. As I was getting ready though and on my way to work I could tell the pain was coming back but it did not seem as bad.
Shortly after lunch I found that I was actually bleeding a little bit and this pushed me off of the edge. I called the doctors office again and had to leave a message for the nurse. I was really freaked out and between texting mom and talking to the girl who works next to me decided that I needed to leave and just start driving north since I work about 40 minutes from the doctors office. Once I hit the interstate the nurse called me back and said to come on in... she didn't have to worry I was already on my way! G met me at our exit and we went up together. It took a little bit to see the doc since they were squeezing me in but we saw him around 4.
I had felt her move all morning and even on the way to the doc's office I felt her so I knew she was at least alive and I had a feeling that she was okay but my body was not.
Anyway, her heartbeat was good at 160 bpm and after a full exam everything checked out okay. Doc said that I have some blood vessels that are breaking on the outside of my cervix causing the bleeding. He said it's actually good that there's such a strong blood supply to this area and that the blood vessel thing was nothing to be concerned about. He said I may see some more spotting because there was another one that looked like it was about to burst. As for the pain... he thinks that is just "belly growing pain" and it was just a coincidence these things happened at the same time.
I'm going back in a week to have another ultrasound done just to double check fluid levels etc. but he thinks everything seems okay.
I still have a fair amount of pain but feel tons better knowing everything looked okay. A little bit of a scare but all turned out okay. I was glad to be able to feel her kicking through out the ordeal. If I couldn't have felt that I would have been a basket case.
On another note I realize I still have not posted any belly pictures - I promise to have some this weekend!
Our crib was delivered today so that is exciting. Although I'm not ready to put it together... I was hoping to have the room painted but I don't know if I can stop G. He's ready to put this thing together. We'll probably do a little painting tomorrow depending on how I feel so I'll put pictures of that up too.
That's all folks!
So glad that you and your baby girl are ok! Take it easy this weekend... let G do the painting!
Glad to hear everything was okay! It's so scary when stuff like that happens. I actually ended up renting a fetal doppler online when I was pregnant with Madeline because I would freak myself out, and being able to listen to her heartbeat at home always helped calm me down until I could talk to the Dr and figure things out! There were times when it felt like both of my kids were trying to tunnel their way out. They liked to sit really low and kick at my cervix. With Anthony there were times where I would literally double over or quickly put my legs together because it felt like he was about to come out. Oh the joys!
Ditto to Wandering heart--take it easy this weekend!!
Just wait, you're going to spend the rest of your life worrying...I still am relieved every morning to hear Ryan call my name, and she's 2! Seriously, like I'm sure you've heard, it's like wearing your heart outside your chest. It's both scary and wonderful. I'm glad I can keep up with you on your blog.
Mine is
so happy all is well with and baby girl!
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