Peridot Rose

My name is Sara. I'm a wife, mother, and photographer and feel fortunate in all areas of my life. See our professional site and blog here: Dotson Studios

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Location: Georgia, United States

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

30 weeks and a Great Shower!

So we made it to the shower! Our list of things we wanted to get done was cut slightly because the deck took so long to stain. It's still not all done, but at least G got all of the main parts done. The great thing is we got things ready for everyone to come in and we had a great shower.

We finished cleaning the house Friday - luckily I got off a little early which was nice because I was starting to feel sick and as the day went on my energy ran low. Then on Saturday we started welcoming family. G's parents and sister's family got here first, followed closely by my parents and then my siblings and family came shortly after. Before we knew it the house was taken over with folding chairs, kids, and tons of food brought for the shower - luckily we turned my laundry room into an extended pantry.

We took a short trip to the store to get flowers and a few things saturday before we ordered pizza for the crew and had yummy ice cream cake for dessert. We wanted to celebrate all of the birthday's in may while everyone was here. Both my brothers, G, our nephew A, his dad, and one of my sister in laws birthday all run within a month of each other. There were a lot of names on that cake!

Sunday felt like a whirlwind. We got up and the ladies (sans me) started cooking and getting the food ready. We came up with a backup plan for seating since it was raining outside, and put that in place only for the rain to stop about 30 minutes before people came. We went ahead and set up tables outside as well so that if people wanted to go out they could. Plus at least the kids could go out and play with bubbles. We were disappointed though - especially for the kids. We had lots of fun yard things lined up for them, but with the grass so wet it just didn't work out. We did get to do the pinnata for the family though so that's good.

The house quickly filled up with more people than I ever thought we would have in this place and I was trying my best to talk to people that I knew didn't know anyone else. The food was absolutely delicious! Everyone that contributed to the menu and the preparation deserves a medal because it was wonderful. The cupcakes we got for dessert were fantastic! Thanks to G's sister for the very early drive to Dalton to pick those up. And before we knew it me and G were sitting there opening a plethora of gifts. People were all very, very generous and so very thoughtful with the gifts. We are well taken care of that is for sure!

After that people started to leave and then the clean up began. I was surprised how quickly so much furniture in our house ended up in our bedroom to get it out of the way, and then how quickly things were all back in place. We relaxed the rest of the day and then on Monday we seriously crashed because by then we were feeling pretty sick. All family left by noon on Monday and I don't think we left the couch other than to get some food.

I can not say enough how grateful we are for everyone's hard work, preparation, and gifts for this shower. It turned out to be a much bigger thing than I initially thought it would but it was so very very nice. So thank you all for everything! This little girl - yet to be named either Ella or Campbell is very lucky to have such a wonderful family.

luv you all!


Blogger Tech Mom said...

it was a great time of fellowship and was nice to meet some of your other friends from school and work..

May 26, 2009 at 7:37 PM  
Blogger crt said...

plethora - yay for happy words. :-)
we enjoyed seeing you and g and little miss.

May 27, 2009 at 9:22 AM  

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