Peridot Rose

My name is Sara. I'm a wife, mother, and photographer and feel fortunate in all areas of my life. See our professional site and blog here: Dotson Studios

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Location: Georgia, United States

Monday, July 06, 2009

37 weeks... or will be Thursday.

So first things first. My best friend in the whole world came to visit me last week. She flew in Wednesday and stayed until Sunday. We had such a nice time. We shopped, ate, watched tv, shopped some more, ate more, and watched movies... you get the idea. She did help me wash all of the baby clothes so that was a huge help, especially considering all that's going on. I won't go into the details of her visit, but it was really, really nice. I'm so glad she came and that we got a few days to be together without family responsibilities or anything else we usually do when we get together. Plus the weather was nice too. Thanks J for coming to see me - it meant a lot.

Thursday I had a day of contractions. Nothing painful and whenever I stood up and walked around they went away - all to be expected at this stage. Saturday night we went downtown and watched the fireworks. On the drive home I started having very painful contractions - not really to be expected, but again as soon as I got out of the car and walked around they stopped. Sunday I didn't feel good. Nothing really wrong, just didn't feel great and had intermittent contractions. Then today I had a few in the morning but nothing intense or painful.

We had our doc apt today at 1. I had an ultrasound and was so excited to find out that she had turned! She was head down in my pelvis - very good news!!! I was really scared to go into labor knowing she was breech. I'm not sure when she turned, but she did! Good girl.
She measured in at 7 lb. 3 oz. which is a good size. It put her at 37 weeks 1 day as oppose to 36 weeks 4 days. All within the margin of error. Everything else looked good too. Her breathing, fluid and all that looked good.

Then we went to see doctor and found out I was dilated to 2 cm and was between 60 and 70% thinned out. The doctor was just telling us that he will be out of town this next weekend and that we should come back friday since he won't be available next monday - then after he checked me he said he'd prefer to see me on Thursday in case I'm very dilated and he can induce me so that he could deliver me rather than me go into labor when he's gone. Sounds good to us. I would much rather him than a stranger deliver her. I'm okay with anyone making sure this girl gets out okay - but I would definitely prefer him. We also talked about what to do in case I go into labor before Thursday so he really thinks it will be soon.

Then, the contractions started, and got stronger, and would not stop whether I walked or sat. I went back to work and gave my boss a heads up. I stayed late to update my job status spreadsheet that we have at work and even wrote a few post-its on things in case I don't go in tomorrow - that's how bad the contractions were getting. As soon as I got home G installed the car seat and I started packing our bag. It's pretty much packed now and the contractions have slowed to almost a stop. If I don't get up they are only every once in a while. If I get up then it feels like a 20 lb weight falls on my hip bones and I start contracting. I've not had any really painful one's, but I really feel like things will happen soon.

At this point I'm really tired. We both kind of had an adrenaline rush after the apt. and I think we both have crashed. I'm excited, but terrified. My plan is to chill on this couch for the evening and we'll see how things go.

And because I don't want to post without photos here's a photo of the super cool pedicure I had when J was here. I picked a pattern and it's not quite like the template I picked from. It looked more like a plant coming out of the corner and G thinks this looks like a skelaton. The background is gunmetal gray - not black like the photo looks like. I love them despite the crazy pattern. All in honor of our little girl's middle name. :)


Blogger Lauren said...

LOVE the nails! Sounds like Ella Grey will be in your arms soon. Praying that she does not play games with you and that she comes today.

It's amazing how different every labor/birth experience are.... I wonder if this means she'll be an impatient little girl. ;)

We're so excited for you guys and praying for all 3 of you. G- don't forget to bring the camera! ;)

July 7, 2009 at 7:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exciting! It's not fun to go past your due date, and already your little girl is being a sweetie and deciding to make your life a little easier by coming early! I will be praying for a safe, quick, non-complicated delivery for you. I can't wait to see some pictures of her!


July 7, 2009 at 10:00 AM  

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