Work Shower and Birthing Class
So a lot happened between week 31 and week 33. Last week we had my work shower that I wanted to write a little about here, and then we had our birthing class the Saturday afterwards.
Is that simply not the coolest baby shower invitation you've ever seen!!! I almost cried when I saw it... probably more from hormones but still. In case you didn't notice the circle pattern on the left hand side is my bedding. The lady that did this had seen my bedding online but like 3 months ago so I was shocked she remembered the pattern.
My shower was so very nice. The people throwing it know how I feel about pink and know my personality enough that it was perfect for my non-traditional having a (girl) baby ways. First of all - check out this invitation...

I also loved the decor of the shower - like the one we had here it was circle themed and nothing had little pictures of babies or ducks on it. :) The third best and probably most important thing was the cupcakes. We had the same cupcakes that we ordered for my other shower and there's no way to put how incredible these things are. Even though I've been watching my sugar I thought it very important to enjoy my shower and eat the cupcakes!! Yum.
Everyone was so very generous. I would say we probably had about 40 people come at one point or another and I got everything from my pack n' play to diapers. This little girl is definitely well provided for!
It was a nice change of pace at work and it was so nice that for a few hours we could sit, talk, eat and just have a good time. I don't think anyone from works reads this blog but if they do or do in the future - thank you for everything!!
So a week ago we had our birthing class. It was suppose to be a week FROM today, but we ended up getting a small job that day and making money is a priority so we rescheduled it. (No this is a job I do not have to work - only G). :) But changing the date was a little sad because it was suppose to be our first Saturday that we did not have a wedding or anything and we could have slept in. Oh well. We slept in today and it was wonderful!
Anyway, the class was interesting. We took the one that was a crash course - 9 to 5 on a Saturday and learned it all at once as oppose to regular classes. This made for a very long day and even though we had snacks and took lots of breaks - it was exhausting! There were probably 7 couples there, all having their first kids and it was nice to be with people that are going through a lot of the same things we are. I was happy to see that at least when it came to girls - no one in the group had picked a name yet. I think that says something about how hard it is to pick names these days. I think with all of the books and websites on names it's actually harder. Before you could think of a name and like it and go with it. These days people (or at least us) feel like they have to a big process to pick the best name. I know we probably extended this process more than others but still - it's hard!
The class covered everything thing from basic pregnancy stuff, to how the baby comes out and then went in to what to do when the baby comes and all that could be involved with delivery. It was nice to hear about cesareans and I also found out that our doctor is one of the best for cesareans. The lady doing the class also talked about how they turn breech babies so it gave us some hope. The girl who was sitting next to me said she was breech too but her baby's cord is around her neck so chances are they will not turn that baby and only do a cesarean. Speaking of the girl next to me... I've been clumsy lately always dropping things and I managed to drop my open bottle of water right on her foot. That is a great way to get to know a stranger - spill water on them!! I felt so horrible. I don't think she cared very much since she was in sandals and it was just water - but I felt like an idiot.
Anyway, after class we went to the hospital and got a tour of it. It's very nice and both the old rooms and the new rooms are roomy and nice. This is a hospital that they do everything in the room so the baby is born there, stays there and there's a couch for dad. They only go to the nursery if something goes wrong or if you really want a break then they can go to the nursery.
The class made the whole thing more real. Now that we've gotten ourselves into this - she has to come out. I hope things continue to go well so that we can deliver at this hospital (if you are high risk you can not) and that everything goes okay in general.
Sorry for the long post - but I wanted to get caught up!
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