33 weeks and all is well
So I've been meaning to post a lot lately, but have not taken the time and now this post is going to have to address a number of things because so much has happened!
First of all. Here are some belly shots taken at 31 weeks.
The real Caslon does still exist all though she's having a hard time with the transition of getting a sister.

We had an ultrasound right at 31 weeks to check a few things and it was nice to be able to see her as a bigger baby. She was pretty lazy during the ultrasound, not wanting to move her feet from her face. I can see how that position is comforting and you wouldn't want to move?!!? She's in a ball and seems to like things that way. She's also breech which isn't an issue yet, but I have a feeling will be considering she's been that on every ultrasound we've had and now that I know it's her head that keeps sticking out on my upper stomach I know that she's like this most of the time. I had thought it was her bottom, but no, she likes to be head up. So much in fact that I've noticed when I lay down, she turns so that she's side to side in my belly - again so she's head up. We'll see how things play out. If given the option I think I'd like to try turning her because I'd like to deliver her, but if we don't have that option or if we turn her and she goes back - I'm totally fine with a cesarean.
Interesting fact #2 from this ultrasound is her size. She is big. They measured her at 4 lbs. 5 oz. Now my nephew was born at 31 weeks and he weighed 2 lbs. 14 oz. so when the lady doing the ultrasound told us her size our jaws fell to the floor. She measured almost 2 weeks big.
We met with the doctor afterwards who was very happy to see that my fluid levels were so good and that everything looked so good and when he got to her size you could tell he was surprised and doing some calculations in his head... and the laugh that came out was not comforting to me. He put it diplomatically by saying "that would put her bigger than normal". He looked back at my sugar numbers and I guess I was 2 points away from coming back for the second level gestational diabetes test and was pretty much borderline on that. Considering that along with her size we talked a little bit about my diet and how I could watch my sugar and carbs more to try to slow her growth some. All I can think about now when I see ice cream is 10 lb. baby and that's enough to keep me away. I would not be surprised at all if like the first couple weeks after she's here I have a huge calorie feast before I worry about losing weight because I'm missing the simple pleasures of pregnancy now (ice cream, brownies, ice cream on top of brownies, Dairy Queen blizzards, chocolate at work) I could go on and on.
So I have a big breech baby who is still untitled. G's starting to like Untitled as a name, I have to encourage him that it is not a suitable name. I'd consider Lorem as a name (Lorem Ipsum is what placeholder copy is called in the design world) but if she went into the design industry, she would never live it down.
So we'll see how things play out. She needs to turn and not get too big for me to be able to deliver her the way I'd like to, other wise it's a cesarean for us and that's totally fine.
I think I'll leave this post as is and do another one for some of the other events the last 2 weeks. I'm getting tired! :)
Seriously, why is it that the petite people end up with the big babies? That's how it has been with my other friends too. I have a very long torso...perfect for fitting a big baby, yet I have tiny ones. Strange...
Oh, and I feel very sorry for your lack of sugar. In my last trimester with Madeline I am pretty sure I ate a Dairy Queen Blizzard almost every night, and on the nights when I didn't I was at the local custard stand eating a raspberry sundae. I paid for it after she was born by having lots of extra weight to take off, so at least you won't have to worry about that!
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