First Trip to the hospital... and back again.
Well the contractions lasted all night and morning and I started to develop lots of pain - to the point where I could barely walk. I woke G up in the middle of the night and told him we should decide if I should go in. We called the docs number and the answering service said a nurse would call us right back, but no one did. I was keeping track of contractions and they pretty much were the same every time I kept track. They lasted about 30 seconds and were around 3 minutes apart. The pain got a little better so rather than call back we tried to get some sleep. We were up most of the night. I think we may have gotten about 2 hours of sleep. We called again at 7 this morning and the nurse thought I should come in and at least be checked.
At this point we were pretty sure I was in labor. G finished packing his bag around 3 am and when 6 came around we both showered and ate some breakfast knowing we may not have a chance for a while. Around 8 or so we headed in fully intending to come home with a baby.
I was very surprise to find out I was not any more dilated than yesterday - maybe a tad but not much nor was I more effaced. So after the hour of full medical history they took and watching my contractions and the baby's heart rate we were starting to think it was a false alarm. She checked me again around 9:45 and there was no change. Since technically I am not full term yet - not until Thursday they were happy that it wasn't the real deal. I just didn't want to feel the way I felt anymore so I was relieved but disappointed.
After coming home and napping for a few hours the contractions have stopped. The pain is more of a constant ache at this point and I wonder if my hips are moving..? Does that happen? I told G it feels like my hips are on fire. Anyway it looks to be a false alarm.
Will keep you posted.
It's so frustrating waiting! I never had any false alarms, but I imagine I would be very crabby and impatient if I were you. Thankfully it looks like Ella is coming early. I'll be praying for you. The end is in sight, and once you have her in your arms all of the pain and discomfort will be completely worth it!
"i would be very crabby and impatient" - well said. i would be ticked off too. :-) praying that little ella will come sooner than later.
Yes, the hip pain is normal... they are stretching to make room. Not fun, but normal. I got a lot of that in the late weeks... It hurt to sit on a regular chair, but the exercise ball helped some. I also got siatic (sp?) pain intermittently... but not contractions until mine were on the way. I hope you are able to get some rest and your body stops playing tricks on you! At least you know that if she does not come today, you will meet her tomorrow!
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