I now have 3 sides of the deck done, and the 4
th has the plants where I want to plant them, but I'm waiting on that side because the lattice work right there will require quite a bit of work. We have the lattice work now and soon will be putting that up
underneath the deck to cover up the open bottom. After we put that up I'll mulch and plant monkey grass to form a border. Our neighbor has a whole bunch of monkey grass and has told me I can have it.
On the left side when you walk down the steps I've planted a couple ferns, an
hostas, and a gardenia. On the front part I have a couple hydrangeas,
coneflowers, black-eyed
dasies, and a couple
indian hawthorn shrubs. Then on the right side not yet in the
groud I'm planting
hostas, and a new to me plant -
helleborous. Yesterday I got 6
Clematis vines for 50 cents a piece that I'm going to plant to climb up the posts on the gazebo thing
This has taken a lot out of me and I'll really be happy when they are all in the ground and it's done. I've been wanting to do this since we moved in and I wanted to get these in the ground here before it got to dry this summer. So I'd say we are 85 percent done - at least with the planting. The lattice work is another project but we plan on doing that soon.
Yesterday was mostly committed to our other project - the garage. We failed to take a before picture so I'll try to describe it's state. You know those
tv shows where they come in and organize people's
disaster areas? The one's when the camera walks through the house you say... people don't really live in those kind of messes! Yea, that's our garage, or at least was. We spend most of the day taking everything out, we actually never got EVERYTHING out because the sun was setting, but most things out and floor swept. We also got our shelves up and a lot of the big tools hanging. This week is going to be focused on the garage, and hopefully the lattice work on the side where I need to put the plants in the ground. G's parent's are coming next Sunday and we want to have the brunt of this all done by then.
Anyway, so to say the least my body is tired and I'm gaining weight at some crazy rapid pace. I think the hard work makes me so hungry and I just don't care about what
I'm putting in my mouth right now. Don't worry... I'm only eating for 1. I don't want to give anyone ideas here! :)
So, we'll
definitely take after pictures of the back flower beds and garage and hopefully we'll be done with some of these things we never thought we would get to. Other than this we've been having a lot of shoots, and a lot more on the way especially this month.
That's all for now!