Peridot Rose

My name is Sara. I'm a wife, mother, and photographer and feel fortunate in all areas of my life. See our professional site and blog here: Dotson Studios

My Photo
Location: Georgia, United States

Saturday, January 31, 2009

14 weeks and counting

Well, I think I'm out of the darkness of the first trimester now.  I haven't been sick in weeks and my energy has definitely come back.  However, I still having hit that "extra burst of energy" that I've read about that comes in the second trimester.  I'm just not falling asleep the minute I get home from work anymore!  I've started excercising too which is nice - prenatal yoga and my elipitcal make for a fairly good workout.  

Now the goal is to start getting this house ready for a baby.  For those who read on FB about me leaving Christmas decorations up... that's really the truth.  Every year I think we'll take them down earlier, and every year then end up still up February 1.  This time I'm leaving them up an extra weekend since G's parents are coming over and always love to see how we decorate the house.  They are coming over next weekend so I guess it will be valentines day when we take this all down... which seems about right for this house!  I think part of this is made worse by my work schedule since every year at this time I'm traveling a lot.

Anyway, I'm not going to tear the guest bedroom apart until the Christmas stuff is put away since that always makes our house a disaster area and stresses me out.  I think we've figured out what to do with most of our furniture except for the dresser I have in the guest room.  Right now I use it as a linen closet and am afraid I'd regret getting rid of it.  The finish of it was ruined during our move here - but if re-stained or painted it could be really nice.  Or I could just sell it on Craig's List and buy something new that would match the nursery.  Not quite sure yet... feel free to share your thoughts on the matter!

I'm excited that I get to pick out a new bed spread for the guest bed since it's moving rooms.  I want to get something more masculine, with browns, and maybe orange.  My floral quilt will not look good in it's new home.  I have a few bedding collections picked out for the nursery but don't want to choose one until we know what we are having.  A lot of them are gender neutral, but still - I want to know what this kid is before I can visualize a nursery.  We have the crib and changing table picked out - here a link: Baby Miro Modo Collection.  Happily we agreed on this decision very quickly which if you know us we tend to spend months deciding what to buy.

Anyway, That's about it for now.  G's at a photo shoot this morning so I get the house to myself for a bit.  Cleaning here I come!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Good 12 weeks

I had my 12 week check up today and everything looks really good!  We were so excited to see this little one squirming around jumping and so on.  The size and everything looked really good - about 6.1 cm from head to rump and a heart rate of 176.  I thought that was a bit high but she said since it was so active at the moment that it was probably due to the activity and that it was a fine heart rate anyway.  I tend to have a high heart rate so I guess it's possible this kid will too.  

All of my labs look good and I found out I have a blood type of O Positive so that's good.

2 months to go until we find out what this baby is.  I'm having a hard time not saying "he" or "him" so I'm kind of feeling like it's a boy - but who knows!

I managed to gain 8 pounds since last month which really surprised me.  I didn't think I had gained that much especially since I had been monitoring my gain.  I guess I need to cut out those fried food cravings... and get off of my butt and on to my elliptical more.  Now that I'm starting to have more energy again I'm going to start exercising.

Anyway, I just wanted to post an update.  Meanwhile it's freezing outside - even in Georgia!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A few pregnancy thoughts

So I was pulling out of Chick Filet and about to go on a hour long drive to a meeting I had and grabbed one of those yummy fries they have and I thought for a moment, I want to write the company and thank them for having such good food.  The thought made me laugh and it got me thinking about a number of different things I've been experiencing so far in this pregnancy that are solely pregnancy experiences - some good and some not so good.  So here's a list of my thoughts as of late.

You Might be Pregnant If:
- You want to write the company of your favorite craving restaurant to thank them for having such yummy food.

- You can get up in the middle of the night to pee and not really wake up because you do it so often.

- You swear those fat pants that you dig out of the back of your closet will fit you in this "transition" stage... and they do... as long as you don't button anything.

- Those elastic bands that hold your hair up now hold your pants up too.

- You are the first one in the office to start asking who has lunch plans and who wants Mexican.

- When people state that you must be thrilled to be pregnant, you think, I would rather not feel the way I do while saying "yes we both are!"

- You consider how much it would cost to pay someone to pretty much do everything that you are too tired to: cook, clean, buy groceries, do my toes, do my nails, shave my legs....

- It makes your day when you declare that you are craving soft chocolate chip cookies and 1 hour later someone walks in with a cookie cake for a colleague... and you don't feel guilty for having 3 pieces!

- You realize that pregnancy feels more like a strength competition between you and the baby and lately the baby has been winning!

These are all the thoughts I have for now - I'm sure I'll have more later.

11 weeks, 3 days and counting