18 weeks and slower than expected
Greetings! So 18 weeks has brought surprising changes. Even since last week I've noticed a huge difference in my ability to get up out of a chair or off of the floor and my feet are moving farther away from me so that makes it harder to put shoes and socks on. I can also tell a noticeable difference in my belly in just this last week so I guess this is what happens as the baby grows.
One really exciting thing is that I'm pretty sure now that I can feel the baby move. I thought I felt some things for the last couple of weeks but was never convinced it was the baby as opposed to other bodily functions. Now that I'm starting to feel tiny little pops I'm pretty sure that this is baby because I've definitely never felt these things before. Lots of fun!
So even though rolling over in bed is a job... I'm happy. Only 2 more weeks to find out what we are having!! :)