Peridot Rose

My name is Sara. I'm a wife, mother, and photographer and feel fortunate in all areas of my life. See our professional site and blog here: Dotson Studios

My Photo
Location: Georgia, United States

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Finally as promised... here are some photos.

Here's a picture of the nursery. The wall is not quite as bright as this photo... but very close. We did 3 walls in the light brown and 1 wall in the red/raspberry color. You can also see the antique dresser this photo that I've been debating on keeping. I think since we are having a girl I'm going to keep it in here and use it for her.

Here I am at 17 weeks. These are the first 2 pictures I posted on FB when pregnant. I was just starting to feel like I looked pregnant rather than fat.

Here I am at 22 weeks and 3 days. I've grown a lot and definitely look pregnant now. I'm to the point that when I see or meet people who didn't know I was pregnant are brave enough to ask if I am.

This is my favorite belly photo so far. I think I look like my mom here... or maybe I feel like a mom. :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

The past 2 days

So some of you may have heard that I've had a bit of a scare the last 2 days. Yesterday I felt fine while getting ready and actally remember thinking to myself that I was so greatful this pregnancy has gone smoothly because I know how quickly things can change. Well on my drive to work I started noticing some pressure/tightness and pain that I had not felt before and was concerned about. It was low and did not feel like "belly growing pains" that I've felt from time to time. When I got to work I talked to the girl who sits next to me and is also pregnant about what I was feeling - she thought I might be having Braxton Hicks. Anyway the day went on and it didn't get worse so I didn't think too much of if. That is until about 4 or so it started getting worse and I decided to call the doc.
I talked to the nurse - actually 2 nurses and they felt like it was round ligament pain aka "belly growing pain" and as long as nothing else was out of place or I was having contractions that it was normal. She encouraged me to try to get the baby to move around a little. She's been banging me in one specific spot (very low) for the last day or so and may be making that area sore. She also encouraged me to stay off my feet as that tends to help round ligament pain.
So I left 30 minutes early somewhat upset because talking to her did not make me feel better and I couldn't concentrate any longer on work.
I had a very lazy night on the couch and when I woke up this morning it seemed quite a bit better. As I was getting ready though and on my way to work I could tell the pain was coming back but it did not seem as bad.
Shortly after lunch I found that I was actually bleeding a little bit and this pushed me off of the edge. I called the doctors office again and had to leave a message for the nurse. I was really freaked out and between texting mom and talking to the girl who works next to me decided that I needed to leave and just start driving north since I work about 40 minutes from the doctors office. Once I hit the interstate the nurse called me back and said to come on in... she didn't have to worry I was already on my way! G met me at our exit and we went up together. It took a little bit to see the doc since they were squeezing me in but we saw him around 4.
I had felt her move all morning and even on the way to the doc's office I felt her so I knew she was at least alive and I had a feeling that she was okay but my body was not.
Anyway, her heartbeat was good at 160 bpm and after a full exam everything checked out okay. Doc said that I have some blood vessels that are breaking on the outside of my cervix causing the bleeding. He said it's actually good that there's such a strong blood supply to this area and that the blood vessel thing was nothing to be concerned about. He said I may see some more spotting because there was another one that looked like it was about to burst. As for the pain... he thinks that is just "belly growing pain" and it was just a coincidence these things happened at the same time.
I'm going back in a week to have another ultrasound done just to double check fluid levels etc. but he thinks everything seems okay.
I still have a fair amount of pain but feel tons better knowing everything looked okay. A little bit of a scare but all turned out okay. I was glad to be able to feel her kicking through out the ordeal. If I couldn't have felt that I would have been a basket case.
On another note I realize I still have not posted any belly pictures - I promise to have some this weekend!
Our crib was delivered today so that is exciting. Although I'm not ready to put it together... I was hoping to have the room painted but I don't know if I can stop G. He's ready to put this thing together. We'll probably do a little painting tomorrow depending on how I feel so I'll put pictures of that up too.
That's all folks!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

21 weeks and progress is made

Yesterday we bought the paint for our little girl's room. We are going to do a light cocoa brown on 3 walls and then a "red" on the wall where the crib is going. Below are the colors we got.

Then on the walls we are going to paint lighter and darker shades of the above colors in different size circles and circle like shapes, like radiating dots and rays. It's hard to describe but I'll post pictures once we have the design done. I think we also might get her name done in thin vinyl letters and put it on the wall. I'm really excited. The variations of the circles and the name were G's idea and I loved it as soon as he showed me what he was thinking. We probably won't start painting until later this week or next weekend. I'm hoping the red goes okay - the guy at the paint store said we did not need a primer. I'm hoping since this red has a lot of white in it that 2 coats will do the trick.

In addition to buying the paint we got new bamboo blinds for the library- now- guest- room. G accidentally did something to the blinds that we had in there and since he doesn't really like plantation blinds we used it as an opportunity for something different. I think they'll look nice in this room since the walls are a gold color and there's a lot of dark furniture in there. Here are the blinds we got.

We also want to do a different window treatment in the nursery but are going to wait until the paint is all done to decide what we are going to do. We ordered the crib and changing table yesterday which was very exciting. The crib should ship soon but the changing table is back-ordered until may. Hopefully it comes in in may and is not pushed out any further. It was suppose to be in next month but the date was moved out a month. We probably won't be using that one upstairs in the very beginning anyway so if it's later on it'll be okay. We are going to get a bassinet and small changing table to keep in our room for the first few months. I figure I'll turn the changing table into a station that'll hold things like diapers, wipes, blankets, burp cloths and onesees. This way while the baby sleeps with us I don't have to run upstairs for the essentials. That's the plan at least - we'll see how things go.

We have a lot to do but I feel like we are making good progress. Now that I know it is a girl I'm thinking about keeping the dresser that is in that room. It's definitely more feminine so I think that's why I want to keep it now. I think we can make everything fit.

We are going to take some more belly photos either today or the next couple days. I'm going to put on here the one's we took before as well as the new one's since this is pretty much turning into a pregnancy journal. I've definitely grown and actually feel like my belly is bigger than others at this stage. I think it has a lot to do with my size. I'm short so she doesn't have a lot of room to go other than out. This also means I'm going to be very big by the time this is all said and done... yeah!

No names yet but we are working on the list. I'll be sure to post as soon as it's decided. :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

20 weeks and embracing Pink!

So I'm 20 weeks and 2 days today and yesterday we found out that we are having a girl!

I think I was geared up for a boy so it's hard to say how my reaction was. I'm happy, but apprehensive. For so long I've been very anti-pink/frilly/girly and I know we are about to embrace so much pink that it's going to come out of my ears.

I can control what we buy, but I can't control what others do and as she gets older I'm sure she'll want pink everywhere. I think by the time she is asking for it/wanting it though I should be over this - plus like all parents we will want to just make her happy.

We went to target after the ultrasound to pick out an outfit for her. There was this little section of Dwellstudio clothes that were supper cute and modern. I liked them but there was a problem - even modern there was still a lot of pink. G picked up a top and was like - this is cute and I agreed even though it was pink. :)

So after we picked out a few cute pink things and I came to the realization that we are having a girl which means pink.

Outside of the color I'm very excited about having a daughter. Even though I was leaning towards boy, I've always been able to visualize what my daughter might look like and be like which I've not been able to do with boys. I'm sure she'll be different than I imagine but I like to dream about playing with her, reading with her, teaching her to shop online, and paint. G will have to teach her how to draw - I'm not really that good at it despite the art degree, and I'm sure she'll learn how to use a mac at age 2 and all about typography. Before we know it we'll have our own little photographer as well I'm sure.

So writing this has shed some light on how I feel. I'm excited that I'm going to have a daughter, but not so much about having a "girl" which when they are baby's = pink.

We picked up some paint swatches for the nursery today. I think we are going to do a cocoa color on 3 walls and something else on the wall where the crib will be. Probably a shade of red and I'd like to do something with circles since the bedding has circles on it. We have the bedding already which is kind of funny. It went on clearance at Target and not wanting to not be able to get it if we did have a girl, I went ahead and bought it knowing we could have returned it if it was a boy.

Everything else on the ultrasound looked great. Her brain, spine, organs, heart, blood flow, face all looked good. She was supper active during the ultrasound probably due to the chocolate I ate before hand. :) We saw her sucking her thumb and even holding her foot up to her face. I'm sure she was trying to put a toe in her mouth since it was right after she did this that she put her thumb in. It was supper cute and we are figuring out a way to post the ultrasound online for you all too see. Her heart rate was 162.

I'm feeling okay in general right now. I've gotten over the fact that it's hard to get up etc. I figure it's part of it so just deal with it. Well take some more belly pictures here in a week or so - I've definitely grown. I did have a couple of dizzy spells this week which the doctor thinks was a drop in blood sugar since both times it happened it was an hour after I ate and after I just had cereal which has a reputation of making your blood sugar spike and drop. I'm going to get a different type a cereal and try to make sure I get more protein in the morning as well.

Here are some links to some of the stuff for out little girl.